Note: Cubii is not responsible for the reimbursement of shipping costs incurred on items sent back without return approval. Please follow the instructions below for returns:
If you are within your 30-day return period (effective from the date of delivery) and would like to initiate a return, you can do so by locating your order tracking email or visiting to locate your order information, and submit a request. If all the required information is approved, your return label will be generated. *
You can also submit a return request by filling out this form. Please have the following information available so that we can process your return request:
- Where you purchased your Cubii
[Note: If purchased through a third-party retailer (i.e. QVC or TSC), please contact them directly regarding your return, as we will not be able to refund your order.]
- Order number
- Full name on the order
- Please confirm the address the Cubii return will be coming from
- Reason for return
- The serial number for your Cubii product will be indicated on the item itself, or on one of the sides of the original box it was shipped in. It will be listed as 'serial number' and contain a series of letters, numbers and dashes. Some examples are shown below:
You can also watch this helpful tutorial video for assistance:
- *Valid through August 2024
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